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Week 7 Story: Grotto of Lust

Author's note: This story was originally told as the Grotto of Love. In this story was a man that became bored and resorted to other pleasures. These pleasures were among the sea with a siren. I will keep with the same story but change the ending and the character names and a few traits. Grotto of Lust Leorio, as with many who are given too much in life, was dissatisfied. Leorio had the most beautiful and loyal wife, Setsu, but he tired of her constant presence. In his boredom he began to think of a siren he once saw, but could not catch. She had a voice that could make tears prick your eyes and a beauty that surpassed anyone Leorio had ever set his eyes upon. He sat and thought about the way she sang and played her lute effortlessly. It all became a dizzying daydream and he could not bare the thoughts any longer. He left his wife without a thought and made his way to the emerald sea where she lived.  Once his feet sunk into the sand and he breathed in the salty air he b

Reading Notes Part B: Japanese Mythology

Story source: Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legend by E. W. Champney and F. Champney (1917). Enoshima The Labors of Yamato – The Grotto of Love Yamato grew tired of his wife and sought out the siren he once sought out and missed. He thought of her and wanted to find her. He dove into the rough waters of the great grotto and plunged deeper until he found a cave. A cave that others told one would never return. He then heard a beautiful voice and continued on into the cavern. He made his way farther into the cave until he found a place that was bountiful with splendor. There was sweet sake poured into sea-lilies, heaps of fruits. There were pearls that glowed lighting the chamber with a soft glow. Yamato was entranced by the beauty of it all. Then he looked up and cast his eyes upon the siren, whom he was searching for. She sat and played the lute with ease. Yamato was instantly infatuated with her competence. He became obsessed and confessed his n

Reading Notes Part A: Japanese Mythology

Story source: Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legend by E. W. Champney and F. Champney (1917). Izanami, goddess of mortals Izanagi and Izanami Izanami is mother of the sun goddess Amaterasu and also wife of Izanagi. None were like Amaterasu for she was most radiant and graceful.  Izanami, goddess of mortals loved the Earth children very much. She loved them so much and wanted to give them everything that the other gods became jealous(what's new). They said she loved the Earth children more than the gods.  This put Izanami in a depressed state and she withdrew to the mountains where she bore her son Susanoo, god of fire. This boy had an evil heart and she grew very afraid of this so she bore another son, god of water. Izanami then died from the pain of birth and her sorrows to Yomi, a place of departed souls.  In Izanagi's sadness of his wife's death he finds a way to Yomi to get back his lost wife. However, it was too late she had alre