I read the story of Melusina, which correlates with mermaids. I really enjoy stories with curses from a wounded character. For example, stories like Medusa and Little Mermaid. This story about Melusina spins a tale of love, loss, broken promises and curses. I think it would be a great story to work with as there are many avenues to take. Also, when looking at mermaid stories, there were some darker avenues, like water demons that would be interesting to look into. I think mermaids are fascinating mythical creatures and would be interested in researching more lore about them.
Demigod Daycare
I do not know much about demigods or greek mythology. This story about the young demigods and goddesses is the perfect way to enter into this world. I like that the author introduced all of the characters through the muses that arrived to tell the stories. I think this is a great way to begin a story and is a possible idea for me to get started on story telling.
I am very curious about Titans. The only representation of them I really know is from the Disney movie Hercules and Clash of the Titans. I only see them as giant, monstrous things, but when I look up any information about them they do not look like that at all. I would like to go more in depth with their story. I want to know how they came about, and where did they come from? I have many questions and it would be fun to do so by creating a story for them.
I have only read one story from Beowulf I can vaguely remember the tale. Our teacher gave us Beowulf to read and all I remember is that I really liked the story and wanted to try watching the movie, alas, my peers said the movie was not worth watching. However, I am very interested in diving into more stories about Beowulf and researching about him. I think Beowulf would be a great topic for my story telling.
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