I LOVE the idea of growth mindset. I actually learned about it this summer during my small group communication class. The difference between fixed and growth mindset is shocking and also very educational. When I heard about both mindsets for the first time I got a little emotional, thinking I was definitely in the fixed mindset category, only doing things that I naturally excel at. I thought about my efforts in college and realized I have the tendency to stay in a comfort zone. When I think about it I get angry because I do not want to be the type of person that just gives up when things get tough. I asked my professor over the summer if this mindset could be fixed as an adult. He said it could, but it is much more difficult to break habits as we grow older. Hearing this I knew I had to change my mindset if it wanted to grow. I have been putting my efforts into getting out of my comfort zone and every time I do I feel very proud of myself. I know I have a long way to go but just knowing about these mindsets inspires me to be better. One of the videos I watched about growth mindset with speaker Eduardo BriceƱo was about how to get better at the things you are good at. He had one example of someone who continues to type at the same pace even though they type everyday. He said the reason that person never got better is because he/she were not learning but instead only performing. I think people often get caught up thinking that if they continuously do the same thing over and over they will get better, but they never will unless they learn new strategies and hone the skills that make a person better at that particular activity. I never want to forget growth mindset. I want to shout out from the roof tops what it means and teach my children (whenever I have them) about growth and being excited about the process. I am going to set myself a goal, a mantra to help myself.
Do what makes you uncomfortable.
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