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Week Two Story: The Ivory Man

Author's note: When I read the original story for this one, metamorphosis I was drawn to how romantic it is. If you have every seen the 80's film Mannequin, this story reminded me of it. When re-creating this story I wanted to change the gender and different aspects of what a woman might want from a man instead of what a man would want from a woman. I kept to the story for the most part but changed a few things.

"Metamorphosis: Pigmalion" from Tony Kline. Web source.
Ivory Man

In the lovely town of Cyprus there lived a woman named Padme. She was quite fed up with all of the men in her town. She thought they did not see her as an intelligent artist, but only as a woman that should not busy herself with such things. In a fit of annoyance she went to her shop and began working tirelessly on a most beautiful sculpture of a man... The perfect man.

The sculpture was crafted from the finest ivory. Padme made sure to make his lips full, his cheekbones high and his body a perfect depiction of a Greek god. She placed two large sapphires where his eyes should be so that when she looked into them she would feel that it was all real. That this ivory man was actually listening to her and cared for her.

Padme quickly fell in love with her creation. She would look into his blue eyes and release all of her worries with each passing day. Padme spoke to the ivory man constantly, but she grew weary because her new creation did not speak or respond, he did not lie with her in bed or caress her body. She yearned for passion, acceptance, and someone to listen to her. She needed a companion that would share with her thoughts and wishes, as well as love. Padme began imagining how it would feel when she touched her ivory man and felt a returning warmth. She imagined a sweet life with him.

Days passed while Padme searched for ways to fulfill her desire. Padme was beginning to feel like all hope was lost for her when she realized one of her favorite days had come up right under her feet. Venus' festival had arrived in Cyprus. The festival was magnificent, just as it was every year on this day. The people of Cyprus put hard work into this festival to honor Venus. Incense wafted through the air as Padme slowly approached the alter to give an offering to the goddess. She knelt and spoke to the gods and goddesses, "If you have the power you say you do, please grant me this one desire." "I ask of you a husband, one that is kind, passionate and understanding. A husband like my ivory man." The gods and goddesses were very fond of Padme and how she lived so they decided to grant her this wish.

Once Padme grew tired and left the festival she went back to her home. She went to the ivory man thinking of what she had asked of the Venus earlier that day. She let her eyes wash over the beauty she had created and gently kissed the lips she so delicately crafted. She felt a warmth that had not been there before, so she kissed him again this time feeling her lips melt into his. Padme began cautiously moving her hands down his arms, his muscular back and in return was gifted with a tenderness she had never witnessed. She looked up and found intense sapphire eyes return her gaze with adoration. Tears crept to the corners of her eyes as she murmured, "Venus listened to my deepest wish and granted me with requited love."


  1. Hi Lindsi! I really enjoyed your story! Reading about Pygmalion last week was really interesting, because it was weird to see that the trope of "the perfect woman" goes back that far (so I guess it really IS an antiquated ideal, haha). I think it's really interesting that you switch up the genders on the story and it was really fun to read.

  2. Hi Lindsi,
    Your take on Metamorphosis was full of detail, and I felt as if I was actually there! The story allowed readers to see what a women might want from a man through her thoughts and feelings. I noticed how you inserted dialogue at the end. This allowed for more detail and emotion towards the end! Great story!

  3. Hi Lindsi!
    I enjoyed your take on the story. Swapping the gender was a fun switch. Your use of descriptors and detail was effective at pulling in the reader utilizing all the sense. Well written and fun.
    The only suggestion I would make is I wonder what the reaction of the towns people of this era make of a woman living alone spending all her time talking to a statue. Once her statue was finished and she was developing her "relationship" with him, it would have been nice to throw in a few lines showing how others were viewing her.
    Great story!


  4. Hi Lindsi,

    Your retelling of the “Metamorphosis: Pigmalion” was great. I really appreciated all the detail, I felt as if your words were coming off the web into pictures because I could really imagine what was happening. I have been thinking about switching the genders in my upcoming stories but have been nervous to change the story that much and see what it intel’s. Overall you did a really good job on this story, I cannot wait for more!


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