The Difference Between Praise and Feedback
When reading about the way we can encourage either growth or fixed mindset I feel a little flustered. I am honestly shocked by how easy it is to mess up a child's mindset. It definitely makes me feel extra cautious about raising a child. Their little brains are so absorbent and frankly it is a little scary. I think to make teaching a child growth mindset you would have to learn it yourself first. It is always much easier to teach something when you practice it yourself. In this article, when Anya Kamentz talks about sugarcoating control she says that our culture praises too much and I agree. It feels like we give out a gold star for any small achievement and that discourages a growth mindset. If our accomplishments come too easily, why try at all?
Be a Mirror
This article, largely about mindset, reminds people of the importance of teaching others, specifically children, to have a growth mindset. We need to focus on giving feedback to others in a way that keeps the growth mindset stimulated. One way is being more specific when giving feedback. Letting someone know what exactly could be better in a project is much more helpful than simply saying this could use some work. Focusing on what a person is doing and asking questions pertaining to that is like being a mirror and can keep a person from comparing themselves to others too much. The process of our work is the most important. It is how we get to a solution that we should remember and learn from. Lastly, this article taught me that a good way to give feedback is to take yourself out of the equation. Instead of saying, "I think..." say "when you..." This will help keep yourself out and remain the mirror you need to be.
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