These stories are short lessons.
The Tiger and the Frog
There was a very old tiger than trekked up the hill in search of a meal. As he was walking a frog noticed him and became scared. The frog asked what the tiger was doing. The tiger said he could eat the frog but it would not be much. The frog returned with a tall tale about how he was the king of frogs and was very strong. He challenged the tiger to jump across the river with him and see who could do better. When the tiger leaped across the river the frog grabbed onto his tail. The tiger turned around and was surprised to see the frog. The frog had tiger’s hair in his mouth and the tiger asked why. The frog cleverly said he killed a tiger the day before and he was still vomiting up hair. The tiger became very frightened by this and ran away. The tiger then found a fox and told him what had happened. The fox thought he was silly for running away from the frog. The tiger then convinced the fox to come back with him and see. They tied their tails together to make sure the other did not run away from fright and leave the other behind. When they got to the frog he made sure to look strong and mighty. The tiger was then scared that the frog thought he was bringing the fox as food for the frog and again ran away with the fox dragging behind.
The Donkey and the Rock
There was a little donkey and two poor men. One had some oil that he was carrying around and selling as he went along. One day he grew tired of holding the oil and put it on a rock. The little donkey not paying attention to the oil knocked it over. The two men grew very angry with one another. One fighting with the other about whose fault it was that the oil was knocked over. They went to the king to hash things out. The king knew the two men were kind and honest so he said the donkey and the rock was to blame. The king was to hold a trial for the donkey and the rock. The people thought the king was mad to hold a trial like this but they showed up nonetheless. When all the people had gathered the judge told the door keepers to keep the doors shut until everything was finished. The judge then told the people there could be no trial between a rock and a donkey and that they all had to pay to having been so absurd to come to such a trial. The judge then gathered the money, gave it to the man that lost his oil and let the donkey go to the other man.
How the Fox Fell Victim to His Own Deceit
There was a tiger and her cub in the mountains. One day the mother found a fox and made it the cub’s playmate. The fox and cub played all day and had a lot of fun. Then one day the mother found calf as a playmate for the cub and the fox did not like this. The fox felt that the mother and cub did not like the fox as much anymore. This was not true but the fox felt this way nonetheless. One day the mother grew very ill and before she went she told the tiger and the calf to always stay friends and how important that was. The mother then died. The fox saw this as an opportunity to corrupt the friendship between them. The fox went to the tiger and said negative things toward the calf and did the same with the calf. The calf went to the tiger and asked him what was wrong? How had everything changed? They quickly realized the fox was trying to ruin their relationship. The tiger and the calf then made a plan to get together and play as if they were fighting and then fight the fox instead. And that is just what they did.
The Ingratitude of Man
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Ingratitude |
There was once a man, a rat, a snake and a crow and they were traveling along a very dangerous road nearby a chasm. As they were walking along in the night the road fell from under them and they tumbled into the chasm. They were very afraid. Along came a man that put down a rope and saved them. They all thanked the man profusely and said they would repay them in some way. The man only believed the other man would help and that the animals would soon forget and be on their way. The crow found jewels from the palace one day and stole them and gave them to the man that helped them. The man told the other man this and he told the princess and he was sent to prison. While in prison the rat found him and asked what had happened and he told the rat. The rat left and came back with food for the man. The snake also found the man that had saved him in prison and asked what had happened and the man said the same to the snake. The snake heard this and said, “You will stay here no longer. I will get you out.” The snake was magic and could turn invisible. He made his way to the king and began to choke him. The snake told him to let the innocent man go. The king did as he was told. The man was set free. Don’t trust man, trust animals.
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