The story of
Beowulf written by Strafford Riggs
I am actually writing about a few stories of Beowulf for my storybook so reading back through these has been very helpful for refreshing my memory! I love the story of Beowulf. Beowulf is a strong lad from the beginning. He is always quiet in his stories and he is quiet a young man as well. It is nice to see how he evolves through his adventures. Before Grendel he was pent up with anger of having not been able to show or use his true power. His peers and elders are envious of Beowulf for he had already defeated dragons and other arrays of monsters. He was much stronger than them at his age. Beowulf is the son of the Queen's sister. The first half of this tale takes us through Beowulf's first journey to show his REAL strength.
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