Mythology Crash course videos : 1) What is Myth? This video was great for me to listen to because it helps separate my mind from thinking all these stories are fake or not true. Instead, myth originates from the Greek term mythos, which means story. Whether or not the stories are true is up to the person and that leads into religion. It was very interesting to learn that many of the story tellers we know of like Homer are just retelling stories they have heard from people before them and interpreting them for current times. It makes me wonder how the stories were formed in the first place. 2) Theories of myth. This video talks about the theory of myth, which kind of helps me with my question of how these myths are formed. Some people like Plato thought of myths as lies with creatures that did not make any sense and were primitive thoughts. A new word I learned, euhemerism, which means interpreting “myths as primitive explanations of the natural world or as time-distorted acco...